
クロアチア料理 ピイェスカヴィッツァ Croatian local food Pljeskavica


Grill Pub Grana
  ザグレブでPljeskavicaがおいしい、地元クロアチア人おすすめレストランはGrill Pub Grana (ウェブサイト)。ザグレブの中心部からかなり離れたヤルン湖 (Jarun) の近くにあります。5番または17番のトラムに乗って、路線の最終駅から3番目のPetrovaradinskaという駅で降りるのが一番近いと思います。お客さんのほとんどは地元の人なので、ザグレブで地元料理を食べたい!という人にはおすすめ。ウェブサイトでメニューを見る場合は「Jelovnik」を、詳しい地図を見る場合は「Naša Lokacija」をクリックしてみてください。営業時間は朝の9時から夜の11時まで。夏は、オーナーがバケーションで店が閉まっていることもあるので注意。
  このお店の量もクロアチアンサイズなので、Pljeskavica (35Kn) とサラダや付け合せ(とは思えない量の)フライドポテト(Pommes Frites ポン・フリット 10Kn)をシェアします。Pljeskavica 自体は塩味がものすごい効いていて、最初食べた時はその塩辛さにびっくり。でも上にたっぷり乗ったカイマックと生タマネギが調和してくれる感じ。けっこう癖になる味かな。生タマネギ、食べた後の口臭がすごいことになるので、人に会う前は避けた方がいいかも・・・。肉汁に浸して焼いたパン(Lepinja)もなかなかおいしいのだけれど、カロリーが気になる。クロアチア全体に言えるのだけれど、塩とかコショウとか追加しなくてもいいくらいに料理にはしっかり塩というか味がついています。

One of the most popular Croatian food (well, at least around Zagreb and maybe not so much in the sea side) is Pljeskavica, which is also widely eaten in the former Yugoslav countries. Pljeskavica uses various minced meat, such as chicken minced meat, beef minced meat, pork minced meat and so on. But in Bosnia, which is an Islamic country, the pork meat is not used for any food including Pljeskavica.

  If you look for a good Pljeskavica restaurant, I would recommend the Grill Pub Grana near the Lake Jarun. When you order a Pljeskavica, usually you will also have non-cooked onion, cheese or Kajmak (sour cream cheese) and Lepinja. Lepinja is a type of bread slightly baked with meat oil of Pljeskavica. The price of Pljeskavica including the onion, the cheese or Kajmak, and the Lepinja is only 35 Kn.
Pljeskavica with Kajmak

  When I first tasted the Pljeskavica, I was a bit shocked by its very salty taste! But the onion and Kajmak balance out and make the taste of the salty Pljeskavica a bit more mild, and actually it is very tasty. Actually, I would say that food in Croatia in general is a bit salty that you don't have to add more salt or pepper. By the way, when you have an appointment with someone, don't eat onions with the Pljeskavica! I think it is a joke, but I've heard that there is a rule: when someone eat onions with Pljeskavica or ćevapi, everyone has to follow so that no one complain about smell :)

  The Grill Pub Grana is located a bit far away from the centre of Zagreb. To get there, you need to take tram No. 5 or 17 and stop at Petrovaradinska station, which is the third station from the last. You can check the detailed map on the website of the restaurant by clicking "Naša Lokacija". Also, you can check their menu by clicking "Jelovnik". The opening hours of the restaurant is from 9:00 to 23:00.

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